An ode to the 25th year

Now some may say that I have some what neglected this blog for far too long. And to that I reply you are absolutely correct. How could I have abandoned something so fantastic so easily. Clearly, the only explanation for such a hiatus is that I did not fully appreciate the loyaltyof my followers....that's right, I'm speaking about you. So here I am once again making this vow to get back on the train and continue to provide you with entertainment for the retarded things I do in my life, because let's be honest who isn't entertained by my lack of thinking a moment through? I recently returned from a trip to Europe where I did many stupid things.....that will most likely come out sooner or later (hopefully some of them later...much much later). But in the 19 days I was for lack of a better word, inspired. Everything was new, breathtaking, exciting and inspiring. I had the chance to spend my 25th birthday over there and despite a few set backs on this day I contemplated abou...