Always best to take advice from the best

Every day is filled with the realization that we often fall short of the goals we set for ourselves, we are presented with moments where more patience would have been a virtue, and daily epiphanies that we are clearly not turning out to be what our innocent 6 year old imaginations had made us up to be. Truth be told, I say it's impossible to often live up to the expectations we set for ourselves, others have set for us and that invisible finish line that just seems to be getting farther and farther away. So I say, in order to not let life get you down too much, it's best to remember that sometimes when you run you will fall, when you drink you spill, when you cook it can burn, some days are hopscotch kind of days, and some days are getting -nailed-at-dodgeball kind of days...SO don't stress, take one day at a time, enjoy the moment live by these rules and if you don't have any regrets in life then you need to get out more! Accept the fact that some days you are the pi...