The Good, the Bad, and the Grizzly

For myself personally, the meeting of one's boyfriends parents can be a slightly terrifying experience. For the most part I would categorize myself as a fairly normal person, but for that brief moment in time you start to realize all of your quirks and short comings. You try and tell yourself to refrain from making slightly inappropriate comments, or drinking your wine too fast at the dinner table and that even though you are extemely nervous the worst possible thing you can do in that moment is excuse yourself to the bathroom to throw up (Matt...please do not share with your family how many times nerves has made me barf!) But let me tell you, the one thing I did not expect to experience while spending a lovely weekend in Golden, BC with two very sweet, loving parents was the reckless abandonment for bear chasing! Before visiting the beautiful town of Golden, B.C., I was not informed of the very important fact that certain wildlife like to roam the backyards of the...