Junk in the trunk aint gettin me no hunk!

Last night I had a devastating experience. And I mean truly devastating. I was heading out for a night with the girls (and of course my dear soulmate Scott!) and feeling somewhat rushed and not amply prepared for the beauty of these women, I decided to throw on my most favorite pair of jeans. You know the kind, they fit in all the right places, they are worn in and shape your hips perfectly, and no matter what you pair them with you know they are going to look smokin! Well there was a slight dent in my plan as I pulled on these perfect pair of jeans and soon realized that the zipper was not happy about what I was about to do. The pulling, the squirming, the sucking in....the zipper desperately whispered "you no longer fit into me, please stop trying". After 3 years together, we had seen the best of times, the worst of times, the most embarrassing of times. We had been loyal to each other, relied on one another, and trusted that no matter what they were my go-to. And now I have to face the facts that they are just too snug. And as mortifying as this is to admit I realize I do have a few problems:
- Crave Cupcakes
- Hagen Daz Ice Cream
- Midnight McDonalds runs
- Mini Eggs
- Earls
Now, taking these 5 things into consideration I realize that my 5'2 frame can not sustain such a diet. What was I thinking?! And more importantly why has no one mentioned a single word to me! So, here I face the ultimate conundrum, do I do the one thing that will be hard (workout) to fit back into these lovely friends, or do the other thing that is easy (shop)....because clearly this junk in the trunk aint gettin me no hunk!
I thought I would be the first to post a comment! LOVE your blog darling, can't wait to see some more posts!