Things to remember...while entering a car wash
As a girl who has never really invested much time into the kind of car I drive or even really what it looks like, or how many cracks, bumps, and dents it may have - I do every now and then decided that it needs a good bath. There is something strangely satisfying to me about washing all that dirt off the car and watching it sparkle after. Due to the chillness of the season I decided that this time I would do what I like to call the "upscale car wash" the kind where you simply sit in the car and you don't have to lift a finger in order to get it all clean. Well this was my first mistake.
I filled up with gas, filled up with windshield wiper fluid and even checked my oil! (My dad would be so proud right now). I purchased the deluxe version car wash, rolled down my window, entered my 5 digit code and proceeded into the car wash.....forgetting to roll up my window. Mistake number two.
For some reason in my head I seemed to think that the car wash was going to give me a minute to process what was about to happen. Give me ample time to pull through, roll up my window and just enjoy the simplicity of cleaning my car. Instead what happened was I was shot in the side of head with not one, but 2 different soaker hoses. First instinct--scream, but not just scream, but to look at the water hoses and scream at them. Third mistake, as now the water was hitting me straight in the face.
While trying to duck and save myself from the powerful force of this water, I was stretching my short arms to reach the window to do it up. After 10 seconds of realizing that window was not going anywhere, I noticed that I had unrolled my back window! Just seconds after getting both of these windows rolled up my car was hit with the soap portion of the car wash--thank goodness I got the window done up before then!
So, things to remember while entering a car wash....ROLL UP THE WINDOW!
I'm so happy that you posted this to your blog. But I'm even happier that I got to experience this story first hand from you. <3