They gave each other a future with a smile in it

These are my parents, Joe and Sandra Lootens . They have been married now for 30+ years, have had 5 children, 9 grandchildren, 1 grand-dog and a life time of memories. I think you never really realize how much your parents taught you until its time to head out into the real world and do it on your own. Here are some of the things I learned from my parents: My parents taught me IRONY -- "keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about" My parents taught me LOGIC --"because I said so, that's why" My parents taught me THE CIRCLE OF LIFE --"I brought you into this world, and I can take you out" My parents taught me STAMINA --"You will sit there until all those vegetables are gone" My parents taught me WISDOM --"When you are my age you will understand" My parents taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE --"If you don't stop crossing your eyes they will stay that way" My parents taught me RELIGION --"You better pray...