Dance Party for 1 at The Barking Parrot
You know the saying:
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt
Dance like no one is watching
Well I have managed to master one of those thoughts....and it may very well be the best one to master!
Just another night out, another time I swore that empty dance floor would not lure me in, and just another time I decided to bust a myself. Its hard to say what I really look like while being consumed by a beat and an empty dance floor, it's not like I've ever seen myself do it, there has been no out of body experience to say to me "Rach, you look retarded. You should consider sitting down and just tapping your foot to the beat like everyone else"

No, never once has this happened. In fact, quite the opposite. There is some kind of spell that is cast upon me when I go out for the evening, and all of the sudden I just want to dance. However, based on the evidence I am going to just go out and say it, perhaps someone should just tell me how silly I actually look. Take this picture for example, why on earth did I think that doing a ballet move would be a great idea while the beats of Timberland were pumping in the background? No one ever said that was cool move, and yet I was compelled to prove that it was. Or the time I cleared an entire dance floor at a wedding to perform a dance solo to Geri Halliwell's rendition of "Its Raining Men". That surprisingly was not cool either!
So while I may look like a fool on that lonely little floor, know that I am having the time of my life, I will wake up the next morning with sore legs, and tender abs (reminding myself that it really is time to get to the gym!)....there are few things in this life that you can do with a little reckless abandonment and dancing is one of them, so I will never put those dancing shoes away!
So here is my new rendition:
Work like you need the money, cause perhaps you do or one day might
Love like you've been hurt, because chances are you have
And dance like no one is watching, because who the heck cares!
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