When good times go bad

Meet Kelly. Kelly is one of my best friends, who I recently had the chance to spend the weekend with in Kelowna. It is a very rare find when you meet a person who, so simply put, is your other half. Every thing done together is fun, all stories become funnier, and memories become that much more memorable. And this one will forever go down in history!
The day started with a lovely little walk down Bernard Street in Kelowna where there was a Mardi Gras festival happening, we shopped, had some drinks, felt nauseous as we watched an extremely jiggly belly dancer walk by, you know, just a usual Saturday! The rest of the afternoon was filled with a poolside backyard (disappointingly no hot tub), a few beverages, and some competitive games of bean bag toss. The afternoon was turning into quite the perfect day, except for the part where Kelly and I ventured into the pool and all of the sudden we both find ourselves so cold, that our fetal instincts kicked in and we were curled up as if we are in the womb again. Seriously, cold pools? No one likes a cold pool.....anyways a brilliant idea popped into the heads of 1 of the 4 of us, that it would be a delightful idea to take some bikes and ride down to the store that was just blocks away from the house. Now when I say blocks, I don't mean 20 blocks, I mean 2! The ride there was terrific, the ride back however was somewhat of a different story.
Kelly was on this AWESOME cruiser bike, the kind with no gears to shift, it literally just goes one speed, and that speed is FAST!!! So, we hop back on the bikes to make the 2 block ride home and Kelly takes off (naturally, she was on a cruiser bike!). Now as she takes off, she turns her head to yell to me "Rach, look how fast I'm going".....as this is all happening I watch the handle bars of the bike twist, Kelly starts to wobble, and the next thing I know she is rolling around on the ground like a fish out of water. I will say one thing, that girl can bounce! As she hit her shoulder, her chest, and lastly her beautiful face had an introduction with the pavement. However, let me just take one minute to brag about the toughness of this lady. She got up, picked up her bike and walked all the way back home, in the mean time her ankle had started to bleed, her knuckles looked like she was in a fight, her shoulder had a nice road burn, her knees were bleeding and bruising, and the size of the lump on her cheek was enormous! A serious trooper if you ask me. So as Kelly taught me that Saturday afternoon, she believed she could, so she did!
I am proud to report that 2 weeks later after the crash of summer 2010, Kelly is still as beautiful as ever, she still suffers from a cracked sternum, slight bruising under the eye, and a few cuts are still on the mend. But she can rock a black eye with the best of them!
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