
Showing posts from June, 2010

I Am Canadian. Yup.

I live in a country that borders one of many nice people and not so many nice people, some smart people and some idiots, some anorexic freaks and obese people, some bible thumpers and some bible bashers . I live in Canada! With the birthday of this wonderful country approaching I thought I would share some of the things that I think are so great about this 2 nd largest land mass, so listen up! Excuse me Dear Canada, Thank you for giving me country with 10 provinces and 3 territories, not 50 states, geography just got that much easier; I enjoy the fact that we have several colours attached to our papers bills, you always know what your reaching for, my favorite are brown bills, thank you for brown bills; This is a bilingual country, now I do not speak both English and French just English , but I am thankful for the handsome boys that do!; I appreciate that the zipper was invented in Canada, without one I am unsure as to how 90% of my pants would stay up; I have had 24 years to parta...

The year of indecision

I've come to the realization that birthdays are a lot like those one dollar surprise bags you used to purchase as a child. Once you first buy the bag there is anticipation, there is excitement, wonder. You really have no idea what is inside. As you begin to dig into this bag of goodies you start to reveal things you never imagined being in that bag. And it seems like some of those goodies you like more than others, some have more flavour, some candy has more colour, some are down right gross and disappointing. The whole idea being that you never know what's going to be in that bag. Every birthday is a surprise. Some better than others. This year I have decided that the theme for my 24 th year will be that of indecision. With this theme comes somewhat of a dilemma as I won't necessarily be able to say no, nor will I really be able to fully commit. Oh the goodies I shall pull out of my bag this year! Because it's often the bend in the road that makes life worth the dri...

The day the TRIAD became a RHOMBUS

This past weekend I took another little getaway up to the Walton Cabin in Windermere , B.C. More lovingly known as Kenny G's childhood home. There were several moments on this trip in which I knew that this little lady and I were intertwined in so many ways, not only were we intertwined, but Kenny G has now officially been inducted into our previously known group "Triad" and from this day forward shall always be known as the "Rhombus". The following are reasons as to why this decision was made (and not to be taken lightly) in no particular order they may be: She too shares a love for sparkly, sequenced jackets that can be doubled as cruise-wear for some, and a good time for others! It's never to early for a bevvy on the golf course That time she decided to come barreling around the golf cart and jab my ribs with her club as a true test to our friendship. She gets SWOOPED. I only once, she multiple times! Her genuine love and concern as I sat behind th...

CityLife:Parties, Culture & Society

This weekend much to my surprise, I was informed that I was in the Weekend Post section of the National Post. A Mr. Jason Snider contacted my over facebook , while admitting that we did not know each other, he still wished to tell me that he saw my picture in the paper this week and that I was (and I quote!) "easily the prettiest, most photogenic girl on the Weekend Post (page WP 18) City Life spread." Now lets get a few things straight; 1. He is lying--looking at this photo makes me kind of want to throw up a little. 2. The entire world should know that the wonderful woman beside me is the best shoe salesman in the world and Jason really should have been thanking her! 3. And the prettiest thing about me that day was my beautiful cranberry peep-toe Christian Louboutin shoes. Men, what do they know! The reason I so shockingly made it into the National Post was because of my love of high dollar shoes. Resulting in a little phone call a few weeks ago from Holt Renfrew inviting...

There's lots of bark in the park, but not a whole lot of spark

Now I am going to give away some very very deep and personal secrets here. This little girl has helped me ward of the worst of those creepy, weird, obnoxious and embarrassingly arrogant men who think that pick up lines are still cool. My classic line when I start to tell them about myself is that I am a single mother with a 2 year old daughter....Yes she may be 4 legged animal that sheds, and is slightly overweight--the truth is she is still like an infant! I still have to give her baths, take her to the bathroom, make sure she gets out and is socialized, eats properly, put her to bed...the truth she is exactly like a child. So to all those unappealing men out there, if I use the "I have a 2-year old" line on you. Well please do us both a favour and sit down next to someone else. On Friday this little girl turns 2 officially! Now being somewhat familiar with what it is like to be around children in their "terrible 2's" I certainly can't imagine what more Sc...