I Am Canadian. Yup.
I live in a country that borders one of many nice people and not so many nice people, some smart people and some idiots, some anorexic freaks and obese people, some bible thumpers and some bible bashers. I live in Canada! With the birthday of this wonderful country approaching I thought I would share some of the things that I think are so great about this 2nd largest land mass, so listen up!
Excuse me Dear Canada,
Thank you for giving me country with 10 provinces and 3 territories, not 50 states, geography just got that much easier; I enjoy the fact that we have several colours attached to our papers bills, you always know what your reaching for, my favorite are brown bills, thank you for brown bills; This is a bilingual country, now I do not speak both English and French just English, but I am thankful for the handsome boys that do!; I appreciate that the zipper was invented in Canada, without one I am unsure as to how 90% of my pants would stay up; I have had 24 years to partake in "The Greatest Outdoors Show on Earth", and this is a force to be reckon with; I was blessed to live in a country that consumes per capita more than any other nation, the wonderful dish of macaroni and cheese; and while we are talking about food---poutine....need I say anymore?; or how about maple syrup, a revolution to ego waffles; Canadian bacon pizza oh how you make me happy; I am delighted in the fact that this country has given me the ability to shop like a mad man the day after Christmas; More importantly I am ecstatic for the beautiful talent our country has provided in men like Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds and yes my Bieber fever has taken over, so thank you dear Canada for Justin Bieber; I am grateful for a thoughtful country who gave us an Albino groundhog, or else a lot of people would miss whether there was 6 more weeks of winter, which there usually is (that may be on the I'm not so grateful list); Thank you for letting us call them buns as opposed to dinner rolls, lets be honest no one likes roll, but a nice bun....; I enjoy the fact that I get to call it a washroom versus a restroom, personally I do not go there to rest, but I certainly wash afterwards; and last but not least although it may come with a sport that is in question in my books, I am grateful for the mullet, not because it makes anyone look good, but who isn't up for a little business in the front and party in the back?
Oh Canada, you have done me proud from the handsome Mounties, to the majestic Rockies, I am proud to call myself a Canadian. So although I may have to wear my toque 8 months out of a year, and walk around wearing a SARS mask when an outbreak happens, and be a hockey fan even though I don't really like the idea of watching 82 games a year, those are all minor things I can forgive you for in return for the true north strong and free.
Love, Rachel
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