The day the TRIAD became a RHOMBUS

- She too shares a love for sparkly, sequenced jackets that can be doubled as cruise-wear for some, and a good time for others!
- It's never to early for a bevvy on the golf course
- That time she decided to come barreling around the golf cart and jab my ribs with her club as a true test to our friendship.
- She gets SWOOPED. I only once, she multiple times!
- Her genuine love and concern as I sat behind the wheel of a Dodge "sparkle" van and she alerted her eyes for wildlife patrol just in case my co-pilot seemed to miss a few elk, deer, bear, mountain goat or raven.
- Friends that attend the same university
- Her controlling my cell phone for over an hour and know one knowing the difference
- Her grandmother calling me Lisa after a first introduction and her granddaughter Karen after 24 years of life
- When blood curdling screams are released because of ants falling out of Christine's ear, neither of us woke up, K.Anderson included.
- Did I already mention getting SWOOPED?!
- She can belt out Backstreet Boys, NSYNC and Hanson like no bodies business
- How about the time she slammed on the brakes of the golf cart and her partner "Lisa" went flying out of the cart. Good times.
- She knows how to make a good "fun bag"
- She will allow her hair to stay stuck in a homemade visor all day, just to rip it out to prove her friendship
- Her patience with shimming lessons
- Her love for the phrase of "another round"
- And her brave encounter with Alex, the big, the bad, and the bold.
- And the definitive moment is Kenny is a real friend, she knows when to LISTEN, when to STOP listening, when to TALK, when to STOP talking, when to POUR WINE, but more importantly when to STOP pouring the wine and just HAND OVER THE BOTTLE!
Because every flower that blooms has to go through a whole lot of dirt....Welcome KENNY!!!
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