There's lots of bark in the park, but not a whole lot of spark

On Friday this little girl turns 2 officially! Now being somewhat familiar with what it is like to be around children in their "terrible 2's" I certainly can't imagine what more Scarlett could get herself into. She has mastered eating my shoes, jeans, toilet paper, unravelling the stitching in baseballs, taking all the stuffing out of her toys and leaving them, getting stuck under the bed, getting her legs stuck in sewer holes, she takes up the whole entire bed, when she gets sick she likes to sleep right on top of you, eats the Christmas decorations off the tree, eats dirty diapers....So if the terrible 2's getting any stranger than the first 2 years I can only imagine what is in store for me.
More importantly I must admit (as much as I don't want to) I am at times a hopeless romantic. Not about my own life, because lets not get carried away, but about others! Everyday Scarlett and I take a walk. It is the biggest dog park in the entire city and for the most part, when the weather is nice, is busting with all different kinds of dogs and their owners. It is such a strange environment. Friendly and relaxing, but you never actually get to know the name of owners. I could rattle of the name of at least 10 dogs who we see weekly, and carry on an entire conversation about how Oakley is doing this week, or Lucifer, Martin was sick last week, Jasper is missing an eye....but for the life of me I could not tell you what the name of the owners are. But this is common. I'm not the only one. So while I used to daydream while walking this perfect little pup of running smack into the man of my dreams conveniently on our dog walk, the truth is for all the bark at this park, there sure ain't a lot of spark.
Alas, one more dream to stay just that a dream!
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